Women who have crossed the 30-year mark are beginning to look for ways to rejuvenate their facial skin at home. Someone thinks about prevention, someone needs to tighten already noticeable wrinkles. Someone trusts cosmetologists and a surgeon's scalpel, while others prefer folk methods and recipes, in which there is not even a hint of synthesized components or chemistry.
With a serious approach, you can easily replace expensive creams and salon procedures with natural cosmetics. But it is important to understand that masks alone cannot solve problems. A full complex is needed here: cleansing, toning, strengthening the effect. Are you ready to spend on yourself, beloved, at least an hour a day? If the answer is yes, then our article will come in handy as a direct guide to action.
How to rejuvenate your facial skin at home? Start with a gentle cleanse. What can you use? Fruits and vegetables, high-quality natural honey with wax, and many herbs, and fats, and fermented milk products, and coffee, and oils (including aromatic ones) are appropriate here. Actually, this is the main set of effective products for the preparation of home skin care products. Most of them can be used independently, and correctly composed and prepared complexes are superior in their action and quality to all store products.
Natural cream removes makeup very well. They dissolve cosmetics, which can be removed afterwards without problems, and nourish the skin, making it supple and soft. For winter time, this is one of the best remedies. But in the summer, almond oil will become a great helper, which not only nourishes, but also protects from ultraviolet radiation.
If you are used to washing your face after using makeup removers, make a homemade foam. True, it is stored for a maximum of a week, but the benefits and effects are worth some of the costs, isn't it? Creamy foam is prepared from 1 glass of fresh yogurt (only one that does not contain preservatives is suitable), ripe kiwi, peeled and cut into pieces, chopped almonds (acts as a tender belongings), natural honey (herbs) and almond oil (a tablespoon). . . In order not to grind all the ingredients separately, place them immediately in a blender and whisk well. The result is a very pleasant to the touch and aromatic cream. Place it in a tight-fitting jar and refrigerate. Use as needed.

Homemade cosmetic milk
- Formula No. 1 (for normal / dry skin).Ingredients: a glass of cream (homemade, fresh), a tablespoon of quality cognac and the same amount of juice squeezed from lemon. Milk is prepared by thoroughly mixing the listed components (it is more convenient to do this in a blender). The composition is transferred into a separate tight-fitting dish and put away in the cold.
- Formula No. 2 (for oily skin prone to acne).Ingredients: Ground oatmeal flakes and green tea. These two components and redness will remove and slow down aging. To prepare the mixture, a spoonful of oatmeal and three tablespoons of steep pre-brewed green tea (no flavors) are enough.

Caring formulations are effective only when applied to previously cleansed skin, since the product must penetrate the pores.
Tonics are best prepared from herbal decoctions, and for especially sensitive skin it is recommended to use rose water (a glass of petals is poured into 1/2 cup of water, brought to a boil, infused and filtered).
Too dry skin will be very useful cucumber broth. The vegetable is grated, poured with milk, brought to a boil, cooked over low heat for 3 minutes. It remains to wait until the broth cools down and strain. The tonic is ready to use. It is stored in the cold for up to 5 days.
Problematic skin requires a delicate approach. To prepare this caring composition, you will need two tablespoons of mint, calendula tincture, a spoonful of alcohol (boric), 15 drops of lemon juice. Mint is poured into a glass of water, brought to a boil and infused. The remaining components are added to the strained chamomile broth. The composition is stored in the cold.
Another simple but effective tonic is made from mineral water (0. 5 liters), lemon juice (15 drops), honey (1/2 tsp). All this is mixed and poured into small containers and sent to the freezer. In the morning, you just have to get out a frozen tonic cube and rub it over your face.

Natural cream
It is better than the store one because it does not contain harmful preservatives.
With the destructive breath of time on the skin, a cream will help to cope, which includes:
- beeswax;
- honey;
- pink water;
- shea butter (can be replaced with shea butter);
- almond oil;
- Coconut oil.
Rose water, coconut oil and honey are taken in a teaspoon, and everything else - in a tablespoon.
How to cook? The wax is melted in a bath. Liquid honey and rose water are mixed in parallel. The listed oils (shea, coconut and almond) are poured into warm wax. Now pour in rose water, in which honey is already diluted. Beat the mixture with a mixer for about five minutes (at medium speed). The cream is almost ready. It remains to add 7-9 drops of essential oil, appropriate for your skin. If you do not know what exactly suits you, choose from the list:
- geranium, rosewood (for dry skin);
- lemon, lavender (for oily skin);
- orange (with normal skin);
- neroli, mint (for mixed skin).
The cream deteriorates quickly because it is preservative-free, so you shouldn't cook it in large quantities.
The basis of the following composition is herbs (oil extract). How to do? Take mint, regular green (no additives), yarrow, St. John's wort (all 1 tablespoon) and cover with olive oil. Leave in the dark for a week and then strain.
Now melt 1 tbsp. l. beeswax in a bath and add 1 tsp. pure pine resin (collect it yourself or take it from the pharmacy). Pour 2 tbsp into the mixture. l. cooked before the hood, 2 tbsp. l. rose water, pharmacy vitamins A, E, D (oil). Remove the composition from the bath and beat with a mixer. The nourishing anti-aging cream is ready.

Securing the effect
The rejuvenation procedure will be incomplete without the use of masks. They usually include honey, fruits, milk, oils. We offer you several options to choose from.
- Food. . . Take some homemade fresh cream (focus on 1/4 cup) and add flour in small portions, mixing well after each addition. You should achieve a medium-thick kefir consistency. Now add the yolk and 1/2 tsp. natural honey. Stir again. Apply the composition for 20 minutes. Wash it off with water and a little lemon juice.
- Lift, option one.Ingredients: Chicken protein (one), liquid honey (2 tsp), flour (2 tsp). Mix the listed products thoroughly and apply for 20 minutes. Rinse with water (contrasting).
- Lift, option two.Components: ripe quince, protein. Grind ripe quince in mashed potatoes, add yolk to it. A quarter of an hour is enough to achieve the effect. Just wash your face by fasting (contrasting).
Everything is in our power. Only time is beyond our control, but its influence can and should be slowed down. Now you know how to rejuvenate your facial skin at home. We have revealed the basics, you just have to follow the instructions clearly, or experiment with the compositions, discovering new recipes.